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Baseball Victoria COVID-19 Update Monday 16 March 12:00 PM – Overall Update

Baseball Victoria
16 March 2020

The Baseball Victoria Board has convened a special Board Meeting to consider all possible scenarios and the impact, effect and ramifications of the rapidly evolving landscape related to COVID-19.

The meeting will take place on Monday 16 March with further advice related, but not limited to, the following areas of our operations to be advised to our community before midday Tuesday:

 • Player, volunteer and official welfare

 • Commercial and financial impact considerations

 • State, national and subsequent international competitions

 • Baseball community welfare

This is a very unique and challenging situation for all concerned. Baseball Victoria is working with Baseball Australia, and state, federal and baseball stakeholders to consider this situation and address it in an unified manner.

The Baseball Victoria Board and Administrators take their role in this matter very seriously and we are looking to lead and support baseball with empathy and considered decision-making.

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