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Preston Pirates Baseball Club Seeking Expressions of Interest For Head Coach

The Preston Pirates Baseball Club (Preston Pirates) is seeking expressions of interest for the position of Head Coach to execute a three-year on-field plan for the Preston Pirates seniors program commencing from mid-2025 for the 2025/2026 summer baseball season and beyond.

The appointment will be for the 2025/2026 season and based on a successful end-of-season review against the Preston Pirates three-year plan, the appointment will be confirmed for the 2026/2027 and 2027/2028 seasons.

The Head Coach will lead the coaching panel of senior coaches who collectively have responsibility for the delivery of the Preston Pirates senior’s baseball program including player recruitment, player development, playing time, culture and player satisfaction.

The Preston Pirates will continue to be based at the new state-of-the-art Ganbu Djila Sporting Park baseball facilities in Macleod located next to La Trobe University.

The Preston Pirates are committed to player development in order to consolidate and improve the Preston Pirates teams winning percentage in Premier League 2 on Saturday’s and the Regional NW League on Sunday’s.

The Preston Pirates are seeking an individual who shares the clubs’ vision for player development and success and can demonstrate drive, passion, and experience to lead the seniors coaches, team leadership groups and players.

The preference is for a playing coach who will manage and lead the Premier League 2 Firsts on game day.

A non-playing coach will also be considered.

The club will welcome applications from individuals who can demonstrate experience in a high performance program such as USA college/university or state but may not have held a head coach role before but are looking for an opportunity to demonstrate what they are capable of while gaining valuable experience.

The Head Coach will be accountable for:

  • Leading the senior coaching panel and weekly team selections
  • In conjunction with the senior coaching panel:
    • planning, managing and delivering senior training sessions to be held on Tuesday’s and Thursdays
    • setting the culture of the playing group via the coaches and team leadership groups
  • Coaching / managing the Premier Leage 2 First team on gameday
  • Providing support to club’s t-ball and junior program as required
  • Regular attendance and reporting to the Preston Pirates Board

The application process will be as follows:

  • Please send an email to the club president ( expressing interest in this position. The email should include:
    • your playing history, coaching experience, the knowledge, coaching and playing skills and values that you would bring to the club.
  • your vision to deliver player recruitment, player development, playing time, culture and player satisfaction.
  • The Preston Pirates Board will shortlist applications for interview and make a final determination on the successful applicant.
  • Remuneration will be discussed with the successful applicant.

Written applications for the position of Head Coach of the Preston Pirates Baseball Club close on Friday 7 March 2025.

If you feel that you require further information for the position, please contact:

Myles Foreman – Club President                             Kirsty Davis – Club Secretary                           

Dingley Baseball Club 2025 Winter Club Coach Vacancy

Dingley Baseball Club, a progressive and family-oriented club, is seeking expressions of interest for an experienced and accredited club coach with passion and drive to lead our club in the 2025 winter season. The successful applicant will be required to fulfill duties as club coach that include the following:

  • Develop, manage and oversee all the Senior training sessions, as well as manage the ‘A” team on game day. This would include working with a coaching panel to coordinate team selection
  • Create an effective learning environment for our junior players by providing positive assistance and support for our juniors and senior coaching staff
  • Demonstrate professionalism and appropriate demeanor in all aspects of Club life, and in dealings with players, parents, and supporters
  • Attend monthly in-season committee meetings to report on the senior program and any associated opportunities
  • To participate and encourage senior participation in club social and fund-raising activities

The successful applicant must possess the following qualities and attributes:

  • Strong management, leadership, and interpersonal skills on and off the field
  • Ability to plan and implement appropriate and well-managed training programs for the Senior Teams
  • Ability to work and communicate with our Junior Coaches/players and Committee
  • Lead by example of what is required to be a club member and team player on and off the field

Expressions of interest are now invited if you feel you have the necessary skills and attributes we encourage you to apply. The email should detail your key coaching achievements, the knowledge, skills, and values that you would bring to the position, and importantly your plan for the playing success of the club.

Applications close on February 21st ,2025.  Applicants will be shortlisted from emails received and will be interviewed by a subcommittee panel.  Remuneration and conditions of appointment are negotiable. All applications should be forwarded to

All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Dingley Baseball Club Inc, Established in 1959

K H Wearne Reserve, Springvale Rd, Dingley Village VIC 3172

PO Box 403, Dingley Village,3172

Pakenham Pumas Baseball Club Winter Senior Coaching Vacancy 2025

Pakenham Pumas Baseball Club is seeking a Senior Club Coach for the upcoming 2025 season and beyond.


The Pumas were established in 2000 and we have continued to maintain community focus and inclusiveness that has been a hallmark of our club since foundation.

With an ever-growing membership base, we fielded 6 senior men’s, 2 senior women’s and 3 junior teams during the 2024 DBA season while ensuring highly competitive action for every player and every skill level. Our goal as a club is to provide the best possible environment for every player, no matter the skill level or experience to be a valuable member of the club.


- Managing the senior men’s team (1sts) on game day

- Heading the senior coaching selection panel (weekly)

- Setting a strategy for the coaches and senior team managers

- Planning, managing and delivering senior training sessions

- Providing support to the junior and women’s program

- Reporting to the committee (monthly)


-A passion for baseball and a desire to implement a philosophy on the direction of the club

- Excellent communication, management and leadership skills

- Ability to set purposeful and structured training sessions


Apply in writing to the secretary at outlining your vision, experience and accreditations.

The successful applicant’s remuneration and conditions will be negotiated with the club board.

All applications will be held in the strictest confidence.

Footscray Bulldogs Baseball Club - Winter Coaches

Footscray Baseball Club is seeking expressions of interest from coaches for the upcoming 2025 Melbourne Winter Baseball League season and beyond.
The club has traditionally supported three teams through the winter seasons and has had strong growth over the past years, looking to potentially expand into both juniors and women's.
The coach will be supported by a vibrant committee and a group of players who play both Victorian Summer Baseball League through Baseball Victoria and Melbourne Winter Baseball League. The players are of a wide variety of age and experience.
Anyone interested can contact the President, Shane Cole-Hayhow, through messaging the page or via email -
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