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Crows secure Bite licence

Baseball Victoria
04 June 2018

The Adelaide Bite have announced the Adelaide Crows have secured the team's licence for the upcoming season.

Baseball Australia CEO Cam Vale described the Crows as a powerhouse sporting club and added their involvement in a new era of baseball was exciting for South Australia and the broader competition. 

"The Crows are one of the leaders in Australian sport, and the potential that baseball has within their organisation as we push into Asia is enormous," Vale said.

"Baseball offers a global reach to which few sports can compare, with the four biggest baseball countries also being top-ten trading and business partners of Australia in Korea, the United States, Taiwan and Japan.

"There will be a minimum 40 ABL games broadcast into Korea to a total audience exceeding 10 million people, not to mention broadcasts into other countries such as Japan, Taiwan and the United States. 

Crows Chairman Rob Chapman said the expansion into baseball was a significant moment in the Club's history.

He added it was also providing crucial support to another proud South Australian sporting community and organisation with aspirations for success. 

"We have often spoken about the need to diversify and what we are doing in this instance is playing to our strengths in sports administration, while adopting a model in line with other similar organisations across the globe," Chapman said. 


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