On Monday 14 April 2014, a VSBL meeting was held to vote for amendments for the 2014/2015 Playing Conditions. Of the thirty nine items put forwad to the clubs, twenty four have been accepted for change and will be implemented for the 2014/2015 Victorian Summer Baseball League Season.
Chairperson of the VSBL Nathan Holmes, Chaired the meeting stated. It’s taken a long time to get to this stage and we thank the clubs for their patience and understanding in ensuring the process conducted on Monday was done so correctly. Clubs should be congratulated for their efforts in discussing the issues and assisting in the development of these very important changes. This is hopefully a step forward for better cooperation between clubs as we identify the unique challenges and obstacles they each experience, and for a more positive and productive engagement between the Competition Committee and the clubs.
The next Presidents and Secretaries VSBL Meeting will be held on Monday 16th June.